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BIRD Brewer - NEW glass handle version

EG-1 Cleaning

Randomly poll a barista and ask when was the last time he or she cleaned his coffee grinder. Answers will range from daily, weekly, to more often than not, never. We feel every tool which comes in contact with food should be cleaned as often as possible, and the same should apply to coffee grinders. In addition to being unhygienic, grounds retained inside a machine quickly become rancid and negatively impact the quality of subsequent shots.



With most grinders, cleaning out a machine is a task that requires a toolbox and several hours downtime. More often than not, when reassembled the grind level will need to be re-calibrated or worse yet, the alignment might be thrown out. Then it’s back to the toolbox to tear down the machine to readjust the mechanism and reassemble the grinder all over again.


The cleaning process for the EG-1 is easy.  The grind chamber can be opened, thoroughly cleaned and resealed in about 30 seconds. The top and bottom funnel caps form a clam shell grind chamber and are secured together using sets of strong rare earth (Neodymium) magnets. The caps easily snap off the front of the unit, providing the barista with complete and unobstructed access to the burr set and wiper system.


The upper dosing dish has also been designed to be easily removed for cleaning. Held in place by a pair of Neodymium magnets and a set of stainless steel pins, the dish can be quickly uncoupled from the grinder for a quick wipe down.

At the end of the shift, in the middle, or even when changing the bean, it’s fast and easy to clear the grinder of any lingering residue. Ease of cleaning offers more options for using different roasts in high volume environments or in other service situations such as cupping rooms or roasting labs.